Lead product designer & front-end developer

Currently leading the Design System at Dell from Lisbon, Portugal

My journey as a designer began with Lego, which I started playing when I was three years old, creating and solving problems with limited resources. By the age of 15, I started making websites for small local businesses, and later on, encouraged by my older brothers, I pursued a degree in design while simultaneously landing my first job as a front-end developer. This dual path led me to work in roles that bridge design and development.

I have a deep passion for side projects, design, coding, typography, and film photography, and these are featured in my playground section. My personal and professional aspirations are united by a desire to create impactful solutions, ranging from art or simple tools to complex products that seamlessly blend technology and excellent user experience.

Below, you can check some of my work.

I help companies and people with:
  • Design & Development

    I provide custom design and development services to bring your vision to life.

    Let's work together
  • Consulting

    Whether it's for an hour or a longer-term project, I offer my expertise to provide valuable recommendations and insights.

    Book a call
  • Mentoring

    If our paths are similar, I am willing to share my experience to help you develop your own.

    Let's talk