Pomo King

Designing and coding a Pomodoro app tailored to my exact needs

I designed and developed Pomo King to practice a few skills like graphic design, UI, UX, and web development, and also have a Pomodoro app that would actually work for me.

Key features

Three key features make Pomo King unique and useful:

  1. No buttons
    Different from my original idea, it has no buttons. “But how do I control it?”—you may say. You don’t. It’s synced to your device clock.
  2. Clock synced to the device
    Focus time always starts when the minutes from your device’s clock are at 0 or 30. You focus for 25 and rest for 5. When time is up, the bell rings.
  3. Custom sounds
    A slightly different sound rings when you finish focus time and resting time. Once you learn the difference, you don't have to look at the app anymore.

Web development

For developing Pomo King, I used HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I was able to achieve the maximum score at the four main criteria of Google's Lighthouse—a tool for measuring the quality of web pages—and have as a next step to make it a perfect PWA.

The web app is available at pomoking.com.